Photo Credit: Cathy Nguyen
We planned to welcome you into this world with open, excited arms and unconditional love.
We had your name picked out, your room ready, and everything you would ever need. For nine months, you were inside of me and the time was fast approaching to deliver you into our arms and family.
On a Saturday night, I went to bed after feeling your movements and kicks all day as usual, but somehow overnight things changed.
On Sunday, I couldn't feel you as I normally did. You weren't kicking up my right rib or startling me with your dances. I didn't feel you at all.
A trip to the hospital and a few attempted CTGs followed by an ultrasound confirmed the nightmare was real.
Somehow the universe had other ideas and you, our baby Sage, were too good for this world.
I was induced that night and still had to experience the intensity of labour pains until you were born on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 11:32 p.m. We got to lay our eyes on you, spending time together as a new family before you had to leave us for good.
We thought the most difficult choice was going to be how to bring you into this world. Never in a million years did we think we would have to deliver your lifeless body into the world.
No words can ever truly describe the heartache and pain we are currently feeling with the loss of you. No amount of tears we've shed can ever bring you back, and it's breaking our hearts knowing we cannot take you home with us.
We love you so much our angel Sage Azalea Wilson. RIP our beautiful girl.
Thank you Cathy Nguyen / @cathy.nguyen93 for sharing your story and photo. Shared with permission.
Pregnancy and infant loss can leave grieving parents feeling isolated and unsure how to navigate the heartbreaking circumstance of living without their precious baby. Unexpecting delicately helps grieving parents navigate the complexities and heartache of life after loss.
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