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He Was Too Little To Survive

Vashti Hieb

Photo Credit: Vashti Hieb

After 10 years of trying, including five failed IUI treatments, one failed IVF cycle, and one chemical pregnancy, my husband and I were shocked to find out we were pregnant (naturally) in September 2020.

We were so surprised and so happy.

We were 17 weeks, 3 days along when my water broke randomly, early on a Monday morning.

My husband rushed me to the ER where we were moved to Labor and Delivery.

At 10:15am on December 28, 2020, our son was born.

We didn’t know what we were having but I had a feeling we were having a boy. Sure enough, I was right and we named him Owen.

Owen was too little to survive. He was born sleeping, but we spent eight wonderful hours with him before leaving him with our funeral home representative.

I left the hospital with a box instead of my baby.

We also found out that the reason for our loss was that I have an incompetent cervix.

Since Owen's loss. we have had another chemical pregnancy through IVF, but I know our earth-side baby will be in our arms soon. I just know it.

Thank you Vashti Hieb for sharing your story. Shared with permission.

Pregnancy and infant loss can leave grieving parents feeling isolated and unsure how to navigate the heartbreaking circumstance of living without their precious baby. Unexpecting delicately helps grieving parents navigate the complexities and heartache of life after loss.

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