Photo by Ashlea Paulson
We found out we were pregnant with baby number two in June, 2020.
Everything was normal, including the lovely sickness I had with my first.
However, the sickness ended after about two weeks. On July 18, 2020, I started spotting and went to the ER the following day.
I had to go alone because my husband needed to stay home with our son. I had an ultrasound done that showed the baby was only measuring around 5 weeks (I was almost 10 weeks) and they said maybe I wasn’t as far along as I thought.
I knew in my gut what was happening because it was impossible to be 5 weeks along. I went home, and on Tuesday, July 21, 2020, I miscarried our baby.
The next day I was supposed to have my first OB appointment and the first thing the nurse said to me when I got into that room was “congratulations!” It took everything inside of me to not slap her.
After my loss I learned of friends who’ve had losses and have found support online.
Thank you @ashlea.paulsen for sharing your story. Shared with permission.
Coping with the heartache of miscarriage can feel lonely. I Had a Miscarriage is a powerful companion for those who have experienced loss, with insight from both a personal and psychological perspective.
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