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Our Baby Girl Was Too Tiny For This World

Amy Goodings

Updated: Apr 4, 2021

Photo Credit: Amy Goodings

At five-and-a-half weeks pregnant, I started bleeding and continued to bleed every day. I was pregnant with out third baby girl and we were so excited to add to our girl gang.

Every time I saw a doctor for bleeding, we were told there was no explanation for it. Our baby looked okay and her heartbeat was perfect.

Every time I passed huge blood clots, doctors said they couldn't find a reason. Because of this, I never settled into pregnancy and constantly dreading going to the toilet.

My two pregnancies before were so straight forward.

On January 25, at 12:30 a.m., I woke up to a stabbing pain in my side. I went to the toilet and as I stood, my waters broke. I was twenty-weeks, six-days pregnant.

We were admitted to the labour ward where we were told our daughter would be born within the next 48 hours.

She wasn't.

As time went on, we became more and more convinced she was staying put. My CRP markers would constantly rise, showing signs of infection. I was eventually admitted to a Level 3 hospital where my care would be taken over.

At twenty-three weeks, three-days pregnant, I had a cord prolapse. This was something I was told to be incredibly rare. It resulted in the delivery of our beautiful daughter, Hope Grace. She was born at 5:11 p.m. on February 6.

She was perfect—just too tiny for this world—but is always in our hearts.

Thank you @amy_loupops / @scrappy_g0211 for sharing your story and photo. Shared with permission.

Coping with the grief of pregnancy loss can feel impossible and isolating. Surviving the Unimaginable is a guide to surviving loss, told through the voices of loss parents with the help of a clinical psychologist.

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