Photo Credit: Kara Walker
We found out about our angel on May 9, 2021—Mother's Day.
We’d been trying to have a baby for two years and didn’t think I would be able to conceive naturally because I have PCOS. But I was wrong, and so surprised, to see two pink lines show up so fast when I took a pregnancy test.
My pregnancy was going great up until my gender ultrasound appointment on August 3, 2021, when I was 16 weeks and 2 days along.
My husband was able to come with me to this appointment and we were so excited to find out if we were going to have a boy or a girl. It wasn’t until the the second ultrasound tech came in that I knew something wasn’t right.
We were told the heartbreaking news that our baby didn’t have any amniotic fluid and that we needed to speak with our doctor about this. They weren’t able to find the gender due to how low my fluid was.
After seeing our doctor, he was very worried about our baby’s development, especially in relation to the kidneys and the fluid around the brain. He referred us to a maternal fetal specialist at our local hospital, and that was when we found out that our baby's kidneys didn't develop. And the low fluid made it hard for our baby to survive.
We were given three options and all of those options ended with losing our baby. After a lot of tears, we both decided to deliver our baby early so we could have a chance to meet and hold them.
My induction was scheduled on Tuesday August 10, 2021, and the day before that, we were told that we were expecting a baby boy. Our hearts were filled with joy but at the same time a lot of heartache.
On Wednesday August 11, 2021, after 34 hours of labor, our sweet Grayson Taylor Walker came into this world for a brief time.
He was delivered at 17 weeks and 3 days, weighing a half pound and 7-inches long.
He was so perfect and we are so blessed that we were able to experience this together. Even though our time with our boy was so short, he became our whole world during that time. We will miss him so dearly, but we are so happy he made us parents.
He was the best thing to ever happen to us, and we can’t wait to see him again.
Thank you Kara Walker / kara_walker_really for sharing your story. Shared with permission.
Pregnancy and infant loss can leave grieving parents feeling isolated and unsure how to navigate the heartbreaking circumstance of living without their precious baby. Unexpecting delicately helps grieving parents navigate the complexities and heartache of life after loss.
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